Video about Cancer Solution

Cigarette smoke is a toxic !

Cigarette smoke is a toxic cocktail of 69 cancer-causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons.
Cigarette smoke are known to cause cancer.
What are them :

Tar - a mixture of dangerous chemicals
Arsenic - used in wood preservatives
Benzene - an industrial solvent, refined from crude oil
Cadmium - used in batteries
Formaldehyde - used in mortuaries and paint manufacturing
Polonium-210 - a highly radioactive element
Chromium - used to manufacture dye, paints and alloys
1,3-Butadiene - used in rubber manufacturing
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - a group of dangerous DNA-damaging chemicals
Nitrosamines - another group of DNA-damaging chemicals
Acrolein - formerly used as a chemical weapon
Other chemicals

If you know that, I suggest you to stop smoking from now on.
To know completely information about that you can find in cancer research UK site

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